Project Spotlight:
Monroe County Monitoring Reaction Center

The Monitoring Reaction Center (MRC) is used for several Monroe County Agencies. The facility, attached to an existing pre-engineered building, includes the Rochester 911 backup facility, County monitoring center, conference, training, and testing as well as technical fitting space for county, city, police and ERV’s.


Building and Site Security Considerations

With communications at the core of the building’s use, the building height was dictated by the large communications tower required. Site security not only needed to meet UL guidelines, it also had to meet stringent airport security standards, including hardening of the facility. The building's envelope was deigned to achieve latest energy efficiency standards.





Interior Design for Multipurpose & Decompression

All spaces are technology driven but also allow for flexibility. The conference room can function as a briefing room, host political events, or be converted to bunk rooms. Lobbies are decompression zones with views to outdoors and a secure area for public waiting. Special consideration was given to the staff to provide quiet, stress-free areas such as lounge spaces, a break room, and outdoor roof deck.

Monroe County_Monitoring Reaction Center_Exterior_02.jpg


Technology and Spaces to Accommodate Multiple Purposes

The center provides regional functionality with full technology and spaces to accommodate the needs of multiple agencies that include Event Response Center, UL certified county and airport monitoring, 911/311, central data center, public functions, government functions, and public tours. It also provides large tactical units storage, emergency vehicle fit-up station, and secure technology storage.