Cuba Circulating Library is located in Cuba, NY serving a population of 3,154. The library wanted to update its children and teen areas to make them more inviting and fun, create more flexible spaces, and provide comfortable areas for gaming/TV.


Working with the library, an outdoor garden theme was selected for the children’s area. The interactive tree is the central piece of the children/teen area, with much of the floor and fixture design focused on its placement. It features a puppet theatre, interactive games on the trunk, and pendant lighting within the canopy.

The feature window with stone wallcovering incorporates the theme. Beams were added to the ceilings to represent pergolas. The shelving is mobile to provide flexibility for events.


The new area for small children includes fun nooks to read and play. Window valences were removed to provide more light and a timeless feel. Upcoming phase 2 of the renovation will include a tree feature and a wall to separate the children/teen area from the rest of the library.


The teen area now includes seating dedicated to the tv/gaming area. Chairs include a tree cutout to tie in with the theme.